Application Areas

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Our products application areas:


Safety solutions in automation require many years of experience, well thought-out solutions and clever products – that’s what BBH stands for.

Automotive Industry

From the press shop to the body shop, the paint shop and the assembly lines. In the individual production stages of the automotive industry, the challenge is to adapt and guarantee machine safety to the respective conditions.

Processing Machines

Processing machines carry out a wide range of processes. To ensure that they are also safe, you will find our application solution



Identifying and recognizing rack storage, precise positioning and monitoring of the speeds of storage and retrieval machines - we offer you support with the safety requirements of your warehouse.

Elevator Technology

Safely up high - our solution for the safety of your elevators. The first real, completely flexible and freely configurable PESSRAL system in accordance with IEC 61508.

Safe Robotics

Safe Robotics

When humans and robots work together in one area, high safety standards must be maintained. The development of new safety components for safe human-robot interaction is one of our research focuses.


Rail Vehicles (Interior & Exterior)


Bus (Interior & Exterior)