Key transfer

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The key transfer system combines the advantages of none wiring, mechanical safety with electrical safety

The basic principle of the key transfer system ensures that a machine or system is in a safe state before an access can be made. A further safety aspect is that a key is inserted either in a safety switch or can be used for opening a door lock. This property can be used to force a certain operating sequence, which can not be deviated from.

Mechanical units

With the modular, mechanical trapped key interlock system wireless safety concepts may be realized.


Mechanical units with electrical monitoring

Electromechanical safety switches are used in different safety areas. Often they are used in safety applications.

Mechanical units with electrical release

Electromechanical safety switches prevent the opening of an access or a safety gate, until the hazardous area can be entered. Machines or systems which run after or stop after an emergency stop are used in many production processes.


Escape release F-Kit

SAFEMASTER STS also integrates escape releases and emergency unlocking. People who become locked in by accident can always safely leave the facility. Entrances can be equipped with an escape or emergency unlock mechanism.


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