Portable Thermometers Pt100 - Pt1000 HD 2107.1 - HD2107.2
The HD2107.1 and HD2107.2 are portable instruments with a large LCD display. They measure the temperature using Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration, contact or air probes. The sensor can be a Pt100 3 or 4 wires, Pt1000, Ni1000 or NTC 2 wires.
HD 2107.1 - HD2107.2
Portable Thermometers Pt100 - Pt1000 HD 2127.1 - HD2127.2
The HD2127.1 and HD2127.2 are portable instruments with two inputs and a large LCD display. They measure the temperature using immersion, penetration, contact or air probes. The instruments accept input from probes with SICRAM module and Pt100 sensor or probes with direct 4 wire Pt100 sensor. The Pt100 probes are fitted with SICRAM module and the factory calibration settings are already memorized inside. Upon turning on the instrument automatically detects them.
HD 2127.1 - HD2127.2
Portable Thermometers Pt100 - Pt1000 HD 2307.0
The HD2307.0 is a portable instrument with a large LCD display. It measures the temperature using Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration, contact or air probes. The sensor can be a Pt100 3 or 4 wires, Pt1000. The probes are fi tted with an automatic detection module, with the factory calibration settings already being memorized inside.
HD 2307.0
Portable Thermometers Pt100 - Pt1000 HD 2178.1 - HD2178.2
The HD2178.1 and HD2178.2 are portable instruments with a large LCD display. They measure the temperature using immersion, penetration air or contact
probes with RTD or thermocouple sensor. A 3 or 4 wire Pt100 sensor or a 2 wire
Pt100 sensor can be connected to the input B, while a thermocouple of type K,
J, T, E, N to the input A.
HD 2178.1 - HD2178.2