Distribution Enclosures, DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,Dold

Distribution Enclosures From DOLD

You are looking for support for the design-in process? We offer flexible enclosure systems that can be easily tailored to specific applications.

A part of Dold’s extensive enclosure range, is provided in two complete Series of distribution enclosures. Series KU 4000 requires a mounting depth of only 55 mm, with Series KU 4100 providing even more space for your electronics. Both the KU 4000 and KU 4100 Series offer enclosure widths from 17.5 mm to 140 mm, having up to 64 and 96 terminals respectively.

In addition to various terminal options, there are several BUS-connections available.

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