Infrared Sensor,Pixsys ElectronicsInfrared Sensor,Pixsys ElectronicsInfrared Sensor,Pixsys ElectronicsInfrared Sensor,Pixsys ElectronicsInfrared Sensor,Pixsys Electronics

Infrared Sensor Pixsys Electronics


The sensor EL021 is designed to operate at average temperatures 0 to 50°C. For operation at higher values, an optional air/water cooled housing is available. Air cooling enables operation up to 170°C, while water cooling allows applications up to 250°C.

Optional mounting brackets, laser sighting tool, air purge collar.

Infrared Sensor

Ideal Application

Environmental chambers
Woodworking machines
Food industry
Rubber industry

Technical data

Air/water Cooled housing
Air purge collar

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