Mechanical Safety Switch, DOLDPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,Dold

Mechanical Safety Switch from DOLD

Mechanical units can be integrated wireless in the machine and plant concept and provide for a low-cost safeguarding of vast areas.

With the modular, mechanical trapped key interlock system wireless safety concepts may be realized. It is a proven system solution to protect hazardous machines and systems wireless and cost-effectively. Even category 4 / PL e / SIL 3 will be achieved with a correct structure of the system. Thanks to the stable housing made of stainless steel and the special robust construction the system is absolutely resistant – even under extreme conditions. The safety concept adapts to the customer-specific requirements taking into account the respective operating procedures – and not vice versa. Therefore it can also be used in different ambient conditions for almost all separating safeguards of secured applications. The system works with safety keys serving to unblock or lock functions. If for example a machine is pending for maintenance, the safety key will be removed which triggers a signal (standstill, safe condition). A start of the system will not possible as long as the key is missing. With the released key the maintenance door can be safely unlocked.

The basic principle of the key transfer system ensures that the machine is in a safe condition before an access shall be entered. A further safety-related aspect is that a key can either inserted in the safety switch or used for opening of a door locking. By means of these characteristics a certain order of operations can be forced which cannot be deviated from. Thereby a high level will be reached and in this way a variety of different danger zones can be secured. Especially for extreme and harsh ambient conditions (dust, moisture, dirt, extreme temperatures, vibrations etc.) as well as for extensive installations a mechanical, wireless safeguarding is suitable, as electrical units are inappropriate here or not economical to install.

All modules as well as accessories can be coded individually, therefore the safety level will be increased as well as an additional protection against unauthorized access will be achieved.

However, the SAFEMASTER STS System offers much more than only the possibility to combine safety switches and key transfer systems. It combines the advantages of both systems connecting wireless, mechanical safeguarding with electrical protection. Thereby it is highly flexible and is optimally adapted to the requirements of the user.

Further information about the individual modules can be found on the corresponding data sheets. Please feel free to us the experts of company Dold for the selection of the correct functionality.

Mechanical units design 2
Mechanical guard lock
The actuator can be removed after the key has been inserted
Mechanical guard lock with optional key release
If the first key has been inserted, then the actuator can be removed and the second key will be released
Mechanical guard lock with key exchange
If the first key has been inserted, then the second one can be removed and the actuator will be released
Key exchange unit
The keys can be removed after the first key has been inserted

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