Ultrasonic Anemometers
HD2003 and HD2003.1 are three axis ultrasonic anemometers, they measure
the speed and direction of wind, the U-V-W Cartesian components of speed,
sound speed and sonic temperature. The HD2003 allows also to detect temperature and relative humidity of the air and barometric pressure.
The HD2003 main features are:
Determination of the anemometric quantities represented in diverse measurement units: wind speed and direction, U-V-W Cartesian components of speed, sound speed, sonic temperature.
(HD2003 Model) additional output quantities: Temperature, Relative Humidity
and Pressure.
5 analogue voltage or current outputs, with different measuring ranges.
RS232 and Multidrop RS485 Serial Communication interfaces.
Confi gurable output rate of digital output data string.
Confi gurable average periods 1÷60sec and 1÷60min. for all output quantities.
Algorithmic raw date processing and validation, assuring ± 1% precision to
anemometric quantities.
Digital high frequency data acquisition mode with 50Hz data output.
Self-diagnosis with error checking and report.
Reliability and precision on whole measuring range, no additional calibration
Flexible, easy-to use operating software, confi gurable according to the users
needs through Computer interface.
User interface for Setup management and software upgrade through RS232 or RS485.
Automatic alignment to the magnetic North through built in compass.
No moving part, with reduced maintenance and service costs.
Rugged and reliable structure, suitable for continuous operation even in severe
environmental conditions.
Low power consumption.
(On request) Heaters Option: built-in heating device of sonic transducers, to
prevent ice and snow formation. Assures correct measurements even in presence of sleet or snow.
HD 2003 - HD 2003.1