Electromechanical Solenoid Locking Safety Switch, DOLDPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,DoldPCB,Safety,Relays,Dold

Electromechanical Solenoid Locking Safety Switch from DOLD

Electromechanical solenoid locking units prevent the opening of access or safety gates, until a hazardous area can be entered.

Electromechanical safety switches with a solenoid locking unit secure that safety gates and – covers as well as other safe guards will remain closed, as long as there is a dangerous state or a risk of injury to persons. For example with safety applications like overrun movements of a machine, high temperatures or systems which are under high pressure (pneumatic, hydraulic etc.).

An access can only be opened after a release signal was given from the machine control to the locking unit. As long as the signal continues, the movable part of the safe guard can be opened and closed. If no signal applies and the safe guard is closed, the interlock unit will be activated again and the machine can be restarted again.

There are two different types of interlock units: on the one hand the spring powered interlocking (quiescent current) and on the other hand the magnetic locking of interlock units (operating current).

Safety switch design 2 with locking
Guard locking switch
The actuator can be removed after a release signal is present
Guard locking switch with optional key release
The key is released after a release signal is present and the actuator has been removed
Guard locking switch with key
The actuator is released after a release signal is present and the key is removed
Key-operated locking switch
The key can be removed after a release signal is present

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